Hiking Tips

Check out our blogs that share helpful hiking tips

Modern Techniques and Tools for Wilderness Navigation

Navigating the wilderness may be more than just a hobby for you. Perhaps it helps you keep sane and relieve stress. Thankfully, you no longer have to rely on outdated maps and unconventional methods to find your way. Technology has made navigating even the deepest forests and most remote locations easier and safer. Here is some of the best tech-based navigation gear you can use in your next adventure.
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11 Hiking Mistakes You Might Want to Avoid

Whether you're starting with short hikes or have the skills and dedication to thru-hike, carrying the right gear and monitoring the conditions effectively are critical to enjoying a safe, constructive adventure. Keeping your feet healthy, protecting your body from the elements, and monitoring the weather conditions are critical.
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The Importance of Vapor Barrier Liners

Occasionally during the FAQ portion of my slideshows, and frequently at the start of every winter, I receive questions about vapor barrier liners (VBL’s). The content and tone of these questions suggest a general misunderstanding of and slight mystery about them, so in this article I’ll attempt to offer a comprehensive review of VBL’s based on my understanding of and experience with them – basically, what they are, how they work, and when to use them.
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5 Summer Hiking Tips

Different seasons have their own pros and cons, dangers and perks. We have covered tips for hiking in Spring. But as the season gives way from spring to summer being just around the corner, it’s important to change up our hiking packs’ contents. These are our 5 summer hiking tips.
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5 Hiking Skills You MUST Know

We have all seen the pictures on Pinterest and Instagram of those beautiful campsites and breathtaking views and think, I wish I was there. It's an intoxicating visual as we imagine what it must feel like to stand where they are. Imagining the views all around us, the wind on our face, the sun on our skin, clouds speeding by above. But before we get there we need to know how to stay safe. Any trip that has the potential for beauty also has the potential for danger. We can choose to go on any hike we want. But it is important to do some research in advance to make sure we come back with stories of the sights we saw and not of how we almost died. Without further ado, here are the 5 hiking skills you must know before you hit the trails.
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Warmlite tent set up on a mountain


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